April 1950: NSC-68 In April 1950, Truman signed national security council paper 68 (NSC-68) which outlines U.S. justifications for rapid and massive rearmament of the U.S. military. NSC-68 cited the consolidation of Soviet power in Eastern Europe, Soviet expansionist tendencies, and the need for the West to contain the Soviet Union, as justification for the United States to pursue significant construction of its conventional military and nuclear resources. December 1979: NATO action against Soviet SS-20 deployments On December 20, 1979, NATO unanimously adopted a dual strategy to combat Soviet SS-20 missile emissions, which went into service in 1977. The strategy called for arms negotiations with the Soviet Union to restore the balance of medium-range nuclear weapons (SNSF) to the lowest possible level, and the modernization of NATO`s INF forces through the deployment of ground cruise missiles and iIs pershing from December 1983. that the nuclear arsenals of the United States and Russia are much larger and more deadly. The development of multiple Targetable Reentry Vehicle (MIRV) systems has enabled a single ICBM to supply up to ten separate warheads simultaneously. An ABM defense system could be mastered by the number of warheads. [3] Rearmament to counter the additional warheads would not be economically feasible: the defenders needed one missile per warhead that arrived, while the attackers could put 10 warheads on a single missile at a reasonable price. To protect against ABM systems, Soviet MIRV missiles were equipped with bait; The R-36M rockets carried up to 40. [4] These decoys would appear as warheads to an ABM, which would effectively require the use of five times more targets and makes the defense even less effective. But it was China`s missile forces that caught the attention of the Pentagon and the Trump administration.

In 2017, Adm said. Harry B. Harris Jr. at the time head of the U.S. Pacific Command, in a congressional statement that the United Nations Liberation Force controls „the largest and most diverse missile troop in the world, with more than 2,000 ballistic and cruise missiles.” He stressed that U.S. capabilities remain in retreat due to its compliance with the treaty with Russia and that if China were a signatory, 95 percent of its missiles would be violated. Washington — The United States on Friday denounced a major Cold War treaty, the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Agreement, and plans to begin testing a new class of missiles this summer. September-October 1949: Foundation of the Two Germans Recognizing that the Soviets would not respect the agreements for the reunification of the German occupation zones, the Western powers left the Western occupation zones in the autumn of 1949 for the creation of the Federal Republic of Germany. . .
