BBC Bitesize Subject Verb Agreement: A Guide for Better Writing

Subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of writing that you must keep in mind. Every sentence you write must have an accurate agreement between the subject and verb. The subject is the noun or pronoun that performs the action, and the verb is the action word.

Incorrect agreement between the subject and verb can change the meaning of a sentence or create confusion. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the basic rules of subject-verb agreement. This article will provide you with a guide on BBC Bitesize subject-verb agreement to help you become a better writer.

1. Singular subject and singular verb agreement

When the subject is singular, the verb must also be singular. For instance:

– My cat eats fish for breakfast.

– The sun rises in the east.

2. Plural subject and plural verb agreement

When the subject is plural, the verb must also be plural. For instance:

– My cats eat fish for breakfast.

– The flowers in the garden bloom in the spring.

3. Indefinite pronouns and verb agreement

Indefinite pronouns refer to an unspecified person or thing and use singular or plural verbs. Here are some examples:

– Someone left their jacket in the library (incorrect).

– Someone left his or her jacket in the library (correct).

4. Collective nouns and verb agreement

A collective noun refers to a group of people or things. When it acts as a single unit, a singular verb is used. When the collective noun refers to individuals in the group, a plural verb is used. Here are some examples:

– The team is playing well this season. (singular verb)

– The team are celebrating their victory. (plural verb)

5. Compound subjects and verb agreement

Compound subjects refer to two or more individuals or things in a sentence. When joined by an “or” or “nor,” the verb agrees with the last subject mentioned. For instance:

– Sally or her friends are hosting the party.

6. Subject-verb agreement with “there” and “here”

When using “there” or “here” as the subject of the sentence, the verb agrees with the noun after the verb. For instance:

– There are two cats in the house.

– Here is the cake for the party.

In conclusion, having good BBC Bitesize subject-verb agreement will improve your writing and make it more clear and easy to understand. Keep these rules in mind every time you write a sentence, and your writing will become better and more professional.