The Transport and Main Roads Operational Employees` Certified Agreement 2016 (TMR CA) is a significant agreement between the Queensland Government and its operational employees in the transport and main roads sector. This agreement provides a framework for working conditions, remuneration, and career development for TMR employees.

The TMR CA covers a wide range of employees, including engineers, road workers, administrative staff, traffic managers, and others who work in the transport and main roads sector. The agreement sets out a range of employment conditions, including work hours, leave entitlements, and benefits.

One of the key features of the TMR CA is the provision for career development and progression. The agreement provides for ongoing training and development opportunities for employees, including training in new technologies and equipment. This ensures that TMR employees are equipped with the latest skills and knowledge to perform their roles effectively.

Another important aspect of the TMR CA is the remuneration framework. The agreement sets out a fair and competitive remuneration package for TMR employees, including base pay rates, allowances, and other benefits. This remuneration framework ensures that TMR employees are fairly compensated for their work and are able to maintain a good standard of living.

The TMR CA also provides for flexible work arrangements, such as part-time work, job sharing, and telecommuting. These arrangements enable TMR employees to balance their work and personal commitments, which can lead to greater job satisfaction and work-life balance.

As a professional, it is important to note that the TMR CA is an important document to be considered by anyone interested in the transport and main roads sector in Queensland. Employers and employees can use this agreement as a guide to understanding their obligations and entitlements under this agreement.

Overall, the TMR CA is an important agreement that provides a framework for employment conditions, remuneration, and career development for TMR employees. It ensures that TMR employees are fairly compensated for their work and have the opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge. So, it is a significant agreement that deserves attention and respect.